New journal paper: Improving neural networks for mechanism kinematic chain isomorphism identification

Neural networks
Combinatorial optimization

Gloria Gálan-Marín

Enrique Mérida-Casermeiro

Domingo López Rodríguez


1 October 2007

The work Improving neural networks for mechanism kinematic chain isomorphism identification has been published in Neural Processing Letters vol 26 (2), 133-143.


Detection of isomorphism among kinematic chains is essential in mechanical design, but difficult and computationally expensive. It has been shown that both traditional methods and previously presented neural networks still have a lot to be desired in aspects such as simplifying procedure of identification and adapting automatic computation. Therefore, a new algorithm based on a competitive Hopfield network is developed for automatic computation in the kinematic chain isomorphism problem. The neural approach provides directly interpretable solutions and does not demand tuning of parameters. We have tested the algorithm by solving problems reported in the recent mechanical literature. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the network that rapidly identifies isomorphic kinematic chains.

For more details on this work, visit its own page.